4 Basic Keyboard Practice Tips


1) Schedule practice sessions into your week. Organisation is key here, otherwise there will be a tendency to go from one lesson to the next (if you are taking lessons) with scant improvement which will be frustrating for all. It’s better to practice little and often than cram a three-hour session the night before your lesson.

2) Set goals. Decide what you want to achieve and set a time frame. It may be to learn a particular song ,learning piano movements from MarkAngelo Green's Piano Midi Bundle  or learn to play in a particular key. Goals are tangible, bestowing a necessary sense of achievement.

3) Structure your practice time. Structuring your practice allows you to gauge improvement, as well as giving practice sessions a sense of purpose and direction.

4) Technical work. To play well, some technical work must be done; whether this be  scales, arpeggios or exercises.  Honing your technique will really improve your playing, providing it is worked at correctly. Set aside some time for this important aspect at every practice session if possible.

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